
I’m a full time freelance actor and musician in Austin, TX. I’m also a writer, composer, director, editor, producer, geek, dreamer, loner, rebel, lover, misanthrope, optimist, old soul, Jedi, knight (non-jedi variety), technology whisperer, Pastafarian (FSM), renaissance man, evil genius, hopeless romantic, secret agent, bard, deep sea Yugoslavian folk dancer, philosopher, dread pirate, night owl, yogi, shenanigangster (not to be confused with a shenanigangsta), ninja, goofball, Jack-of-all-trades and master of many. I once ate 42 Marshmallow peeps on a dare from Gary Busey. Wearer of many hats. Metaphorically. I almost never wear a literal hat. I am dichotomous, paradoxical, enigmatic and complicated. Some of the above may not be true.

Welcome to my world.

Feel free to drop me a line.