Category: Dream Theatre


Dream Theatre 53

I had a dream where someone reached to shake my hand and I was like “Hey, sorry, can’t do that right now.” Sign of the times.

I also had a dream that John Herndon was producing a western and I was one of the leads. He also then asked me to direct it. I was thrilled to do so but as we were setting up a shot, the gaffer seemed very stand-offish and resistant to me and had an attitude so I took him aside and introduced myself and was very kindly like “So what’s the issue here?”

He said he had worked with me on a few shorts and just didn’t like me or think I should be directing. I told him I was sorry he felt that way and hoped I could change his mind.

As we tried to get the next shot, we were very quickly losing the light and then very suddenly it was gone so I started looking for alternatives.

Later, I was trying to wrangle everyone to get another shot and everyone was kind of scattered. I asked what was going on and they said John and some others were part of a Q&A panel going on. That’s when I noticed that this ghost town we were shooting in was having some kind of festival and so there was a lot of people and music and stuff going on. We couldn’t do anything until the panel was over and even then with all the people and noise there was no way we could get a shot.

Someone asked if this meant we would be working super late and I said no, I didn’t believe in that. I was going to hold to reasonable days because pushing people gets diminishing returns so we’d figure it out later and try to move quickly and find ways to make up time and maybe shots we could cut.

Then I woke up. That imaginary gaffer is probably gloating.


Dream Theatre 52

In this dream I was snuggled up on a couch with Jane Wiedlin, guitarist for The Go-Gos. We were both lying down on the couch (a tight fit for two people, but possible). I was reading and she was watching something on TV, I think. Something on the TV kind of bummed her out and she turned to me a little distraught with the state of the world, so I put the book down, put both arms around her and hugged her tight. In that moment, the world was a little better.


Dream Theatre 51

A trio of strange dreams last night. The first two seem to share a theme of fear of lending stuff to people. At least on the surface.

In part 1, I was working (not sure in what capacity) in a big space in a strip mall. My friend Kyle (who I once worked with at a video game company) had borrowed my car, which in the dream was the red Mazda 323 that was my mom’s car and the first car I learned to drive and shared with her in the subsequent years. He had supposedly returned from his errand and parked it back at the strip mall (where he worked with me, I believe). It was a late night of work and as I was leaving to go home around 7pm or so, I saw some people walking out in a group. There was something strange about their look and demeanor, and I think I overheard something indicating that there was about to a news story about them, and how they had been caught up in some scandal.

I walked out to parking lot to go home, but I couldn’t find my car. I looked all around the parking lot but it was nowhere. I looked several more times, thinking surely I had just missed it, but it was not there. I called Kyle to confirm that he had returned it and to ask if he had maybe parked it somewhere else. I was starting to freak out a little as I was sure it had been stolen.

Now the next part, in true dream non-logic style, I’m not sure if it actually “happened” in the dream or if it was just one of the branches my mind was contemplating as a possible explanation, but when I got Kyle on the phone, he was very apologetic and realized that he had just absent-mindedly drove it home when he left.

In part 2 of this dream trio, I was in a particular neighborhood of my home town near where my friend Esteban used to live. A woman (in the dream, I knew her, but I don’t remember her having a specific real world identity), asked if she could borrow my phone, so I handed it to her thinking that she just needed to look something up or make a quick call. She pulled up the navigation software and started walking away, and kept walking. Far too late, I realized that she was going to use my phone to navigate all the way to her destination, and I had no idea where that was or when I would get my phone back. At some point, I either got a hold of her or saw her again (I can’t remember which) and she said my phone was still at the destination and that I could come get it if I wanted to, which was highly inconvenient for me.

And in the last dream, I was being put up in a (purely fictional) apartment as part of a movie shoot. This apartment was right next to the (also purely fictional) apartment that my ex had lived in. The shoot had ended and I was now leaving the apartment when my phone rang and it was, coincidentally, my ex calling me for the first time in years. I remember the tone of the conversation being happy, sweet, close and immediately there was an intimate connection again. I told her how crazy it was that she happened to be calling at this moment as I was leaving the place I’d been staying which was right next to her old place. It was really nice.

Then I woke up.


Dream Theatre 50

In last night’s dream, I was doing another western themed immersive activation like the SXSWestworld I did last year with MyCoToo and Giant Spoon. I was a sheriff and Andrew Hunter was in it as well as was his wife, Elizabeth Hunter. Andy played a crotchety town drunk and Liz played his wife. It turned out that their characters were con-artists trying to defraud the town. I remembered that I also needed to take an audition for the next immersive activation (This year’s Game of Thrones activation) that was due at 4pm, so Andy and I went to an upstairs room so he could help me film it. I couldn’t remember if it was due at 4 or if I was supposed to record it at 4, and being that it was almost 4 now, I just decided to hope for the best. In the dream, I was actually remembering the monologue that I recently (in the real non-dream world) had thought would have been good if I had been available to audition for the GoT activation.


Dream Theatre 48 and 49

Dream Theatre 48 guest starred Emily Hahn! In this dream, a bunch of us had just finished performing a play and it was super late so Emily let a few of us crash at her place because we were all there after the show. She had a huge husky-type dog who was the cuddliest ever. He actually liked to snuggle up, put his legs around you and rest his head on yours and lick your face. It was the best thing ever.

Dream Theatre 49 was very busy. As in I had lots of work to do so it didn’t feel like a restful night. One dream I remember was that June Griffin Garcia needed a 41 page voiceover by tomorrow and I said I could do it. Then I had another pending project as well so it looked like it was going to be an all nighter. I seem to also remember doing some work in a computer repair type workshop


Dream Theatre 47

Wow. So many crazy dreams last night. Let’s see how much I can remember. 

First I was on a shuttle bus to Disney World. We were almost there and I realized that I had only brought a warm long sleeved shirt and my Indiana Jones leather jacket. I was annoyed because even just the shirt was going to be too hot and now I was going to have to carry this stuff around all day and be shirtless. I thought I would just buy a T-shirt when I got there. Also I was wearing gym shorts so they would look stupid with shorts. 

When we arrived we were all led to a big waiting room that was like a locker room. A worker came in and asked if we had seen the big buildings and spaceships as we approached. Somehow, I had not noticed, probably because I was so preoccupied with my clothing dilemma. 

She (the worker) explained that earth had been invaded buy aliens and we were all needed to fight for our survival. I now realized that this was all part of the totally immersive new experience at the park. A huge sci-fi super advanced laser tag type place with a futuristic city, building sized alien spaceships to fight in, etc. We were each given a gun in a holster that strapped to our thigh with two straps. She asked “How far do you think any one of you would get alone out there?” 

I screamed “Let’s find out!” And I jumped up and ran out the open bunker door into the fray. 

Immediately, robotic aliens resembling the Geth from the Mass Effect video games started appearing and coming toward me. Big silver robotic aliens, with sleek muscle like contours and a face that was one big red glowing circle. I started blasting and quickly realized that you could one or two shot them if you hit the red “eye.” More and more started appearing and it was obvious I wasn’t supposed to take this force on alone. I noticed holographic power ups appear around the ground and the aliens would grab them for shields or other powers. I couldn’t get to them at this point before the aliens so I decided to run and see how far I could get. I dashed into the streets dodging and firing. I eventually made my way to huge alien building (or possibly gargantuan ship). 

Inside was the size of a huge office building with computers and such and a huge staircase built into a slanted floor leading up to another level and then on to another and so on like one side of a pyramid. 

At this point there was a break in the dream, possibly for some other dreams but I can’t remember the order or details exactly. I do remember that at some point I was back here and this time knowing it was a dream decided to count the levels to see how many there were leading up and away in front of me. It was hard to count them as they seemed to change or multiply as I tried but I eventually counted about 15 levels. 

Then suddenly I had a disguise. I activated my disguise and was now dressed as one of the humanoid alien workers in an a white and black uniform and mask. I started fiddling with the computers trying to figure out controls and messing with crystal device that was inserted in one of the computers. Other workers would acknowledge me and I would nod, hoping to not be discovered. Then one worker came up to me and said a phrase, something like “Point 432.” I had a feeling this was a security phrase and I was supposed to issue a particular response. I didn’t know the response of course so in an effort to distract and not get discovered, I started blatantly coming on to her. It seemed to work for the moment. Sadly, I think that’s all there was (or all I remember) to that world. 

Dream 2 involved me and Larry Soileau writing a silly comedy short. We wrote this short skit where I played Rick James and was giving a serious monologue about Rick James’ charity for abused and battered women or something like that. It was all very earnest like “We all know someone who has been abused or gone through hard times,” etc. Then the punchline was that after this heartfelt plea, it ended with Rick James yelling “BITCH!” Because that was his “catch phrase” in this dream world and we thought the dichotomy in tone was hilarious. Look, dreams are weird man. Larry and I actually wrote really funny stuff in the real world. 

In dream 3, I woke up and Larry and I shared a huge house with glass walls on the bottom level. He was a about to leave and I started telling him all about my crazy Disney World Alien Battle dream. I was about half way through when he informed me that he really had to leave to be somewhere, so I didn’t get to finish my story. He grabbed his stuff and went outside and threw down his remote control hover board which was the size of a skateboard with propellers built into the board at the front and back. He had the remote in his left hand with his jacket and stuff, and gave a kick to get going. He hovered off at a very slow pace, probably about half as fast as waking which made me wonder what was the point in using the board if it was that slow. I wondered if maybe it got faster after warming up or something. 

In dream 4, I got an out of the blue text from my ex asking “Enjoying a day off?” I’m not sure if it was dream me, or real me who wondered “How did she know today is my day off?” but I responded with “Very much needed!” She also sent me a video of the condo after it had been cleared out right before she left it for the last time. The video had some text on it like you add after the fact in Instagram saying something like “The condo as of two day ago.” I hadn’t seen this posted on Instagram though so I was puzzled. Maybe she just added the text another way before sending it to some other folks before or something. Or maybe she had some way of hiding posts from me. And though I was shocked to get this message, I thought it was a good sign that she was just texting me like it was normal and that maybe she wouldn’t just be “Somebody that I used to know.” I was glad for the exchange but the video also made me sad. 

I think that’s about all I can recall. My brain had a busy night.


Dream Theatre 46

It was a cool Autumn night. I was walking along a sidewalk at some kind of festival or event, dressed fairly nicely, as was everyone here. People bustled by each other on the sidewalk. 2 people passed me going the opposite direction and I stopped in my tracks, thinking “Was that her?” I can’t remember exactly how, but both her face and mine were kind of obscured. Was it a masked event? Maybe just like hat, scarf, glasses, or something? As I wondered if it had been her, I heard her voice, “Heath?” I turned around and we both took off whatever was obscuring our faces. Her partner continued onward. I wondered if it was just a friend or a romantic partner. She was in a beautiful dress. Her hair had grown quite long and was curled. She ran to me and we embraced, that perfect embrace where you fit like puzzle pieces and yet can’t squeeze tight enough. We said so much without saying a thing. We exchanged a few words though I can’t remember what they were. They were warm and comforting and laced with inadequacy, bursting with so much more they wanted to say. She had to go but expressed that she was going to write me the “greatest, longest, most wonderful email,” or something like that. I didn’t want her to go. I thought to myself “No, don’t do that. Not an email. Just talk to me. No written text,” but we only had a moment. She had to go. Then I woke up.


Dream Theatre 45

A trio of dreamlets featuring the ex, yet again.

In the first part we were both at a band practice where I was mostly singing backup. The band consisted of a bunch of guys I’d played with in various bands coming together for a sort of “reunion” as a big group jam. Greg Patterson from Midnight Express was singing and aside from that, Sam Walkoviac from AKA, a band I played in during the 90s, was on bass. He was getting back into the swing of things after not having played bass for a long time. He was doing a great job despite discovering that his bass was really screwed up. The lowest string was basically off the neck and unplayable and I think the highest string was missing as well. He discovered some problem with a weird bracket part from deep in the bass. I asked is it was the same bass from back in the day, and it wasn’t. He had got a new bass at some point. He said he wished he had his 12 string bass.

I was singing backups but couldn’t hear myself well. Then I noticed the mic wasn’t plugged in. I figured since we were practicing at a low level, that maybe Greg had figured we didn’t need to use mics or something but when he realized my mic wasn’t plugged in, he was surprised and started to remedy that. My ex was there just hanging out on the couch watching and smiling. In the dream, I think we may have been together and not exes though. It was very happy and loving. Leading to…

Part 2:
She and I were on a grassy area at the side of a highway. She was sitting on a stool. We were smiling, laughing, kissing and hugging and then as we were doing so she sort of toppled backward off the stool and we both tumbled, laughing, into the lush grass. We both just laid there, smiling in silence, enjoying the cool, soft, plush grass and the warm sun in a moment of pure peace and serenity. I remember wondering if people driving by or maybe the police were going to think something was wrong, seeing two people just laying in the grass beside the highway. I decided I didn’t care.

Part 3:
Now we were in her room which seemed like a small dorm room. I was sitting on the bed next to the wall (the bed was in a corner), and she was on the open side of the bed. I noticed what looked like a ribbon wedged between the bed and the wall, so I pulled it, thinking I was retrieving it, but realize it had actually be stuck to the wall with tape or something, like it had been hung intentionally but then trapped when the bed had been moved against the wall. I said something along the lines of “Oops, sorry.” She now had some kind of facial mask on (the kind that cleanse your skin or something) and the mood turned darker and more serious. She said “Can I bum you out?” I knew that she meant she was about to tell me something serious that would bum me out, but I found it a strange thing to say. She then started talking and building up to something that I could tell was not going to be good, but she was taking a long time getting there.

“Brian and I have been really trying to stick to our budget…”

I somehow knew that “Brian” was the person she was dating now (not any Brian I knew, and as far I know this is a purely fictional dream fact), and I wondered how the hell her and “Brian’s” budget had anything to do with me. I realized now that we were not together and also wondered how this all colored our previous, hugging, kissing, snuggling. Did Brian know about this? Did they just have that kind of open relationship? Would he have cared if he known? Had she been inappropriate with me in light of her new relationship? Where was she going with this story? Was she talking about their “budget” because she was about to tell me they were saving for a wedding? Was this finally about to be an opportunity to talk about a lot of unresolved shit in the air?

“Okay, please get to the point here,” I said.

And then I woke up.


Dream Theatre 44

In last night’s dream I was staying at my long time friend, Andy Hunter’s house (a fictional dream house in a fictional dream timeline that doesn’t necessarily match current life details in way). A bunch of us were going to be playing some tabeltop RPG in a little bit so we were just killing time. Andy had some kind of model clamp contraption that had multiple little arms and clamps to hold pieces for gluing and painting and such, and was constructing a cool, small crossbow type thing (probably 4 inches) for his not so miniature mini to represent his character, totally from scratch from various pieces of stuff he had and was re-purposing.

There’s a part of the dream that’s fuzzy for me now, but I know that I had a borrowed car and for some reason was going to try and find/move it. I was clicking the key fob to make the alarm beep so I could find it. I was starting to get worried someone had stolen it, then finally there was a beep. But then that car reversed and drove off. It had just been a coincidental beep. I think I eventually found the car to my relief.

Later I was in the spare bedroom where I was staying, just laying down for a bit. My phone rang. It was my ex who hasn’t spoken to me for a long time. My heart jumped. I answered. She said something but I didn’t catch the last part so I said, “Sorry, I didn’t get that last part.” She said ti again, but again, I didn’t catch it and told her so. There was a long silence. I asked if she was still there. She was. More silence. I asked if she was just silent because she was thinking, and she said yes. So we sat om the phone in silence. It was both a silence filled with some tension, wondering why she had called, but also just a comfortable silence, just being. I got out of bed to do a few things, still on the phone in silence. I had to go to the bathroom. I was just in my underwear, and the bathroom was right next to Andy’s sister’s room (fictional dream sister, not his actual sister). I didn’t feel like getting dressed so I just dashed into the bathroom. Still on the phone in silence. Then I wanted to get back to my room, but I could see the shadow of his sister folding laundry. I waited until it seemed like she was out of her door way and dashed back to my room. Still silently on the phone. The game would be starting soon. There was so much I wanted to say, but we just sat on the phone with each other in silence.

Then I woke up.


Dream Theatre 43

If you know me you probably know I have a collection of great coats. In addition, I feel this dream is RIFE with psychological layers. Like a psychological onion. Especially for actors or anyone in the movie/Television business.

In this dream, I was on the set of a very big movie. I was only an extra, but my friend, Brian Villalobos was one of the four main stars (that alone is a loaded psychological onion ready to be peeled). I believe it was being directed by Sean Cain who I worked with when he directed Terror Birds. The production had me bring all my sweet coats as possible costume options, but had ended up not using them so I had hung them all in an unused closet.

After filming had wrapped, the 4 leads had to do a photo shoot for the movie poster. As I was walking out to the holding area, I saw all my coats in a pile on the floor. Apparently, they wanted as many possibilities for costuming as possible for the photo shoot so they had just went around the entire place grabbing everything they could find including my coats from the closet, and just thrown them on the floor temporarily while they were collecting. I was furious! Those were my personal coats and were stashed in a non-production closet! I went to a table where one of the costumers and a bunch of other crew were sitting and explained the situation. They all agreed with me that it wasn’t right but also didn’t really know what I could do about it, and told me if I raised a stink it would just look bad on me and give me a bad reputation.

I was fuming, but I was also worried about pissing people off or having a bad reputation. I walked back in the studio to see if I could see what was going on. On my way some water dripped on me. I looked up and saw that a bunch of trash bags had been somehow attached to the ceiling and were holding water for a amateur and precariously-rigged rain simulator. Wait, were they getting the actors wet? Were they getting my coats wet? Placed on floor under any place there was a leak were these little fizzing sponge-pucks that somehow soaked up a lot of the water. I got close to the set and saw several wardrobe racks. From where I was, I couldn’t see my coats, but was slightly comforted by the fact that at least they were hung up on racks. I was happy for my friend Brian that he was a lead in a major film and was going to be on a movie poster, but felt very lonely, disconnected and “so close, yet so far” from my career hopes and dreams.

Then I woke up.