Category: Dream Theatre


Dream Theatre 25

In this dream, Elly (my girlfriend at the time of this writing) and I were on a road trip with Brian and Akasha Villalobos (two of my best friends). We stopped at this gigantic mall. It was possibly the biggest (fictional dream) mall in the world. In the food court there was an Indiana Jones themed fast food place. There was the normal counter manned by employees but behind them was an approximately 2 story tall adventure course made of foam facades, ropes, “traps,” ledges, obstacles, alligators etc. When you ordered, they would give you a temporary Indiana Jones jacket and fedora. The jacket had a whip attached to one side and a holster and shoulder bag on the other so it was a nice one piece fully decked out option. You couldn’t order anything specific, only a general type of food like “vegetarian” or such. Then you got to play through the obstacle course. It wasn’t static either in that once you reached the other side, it could all rotate to make a new scene for you to traverse back the other way. At any given time there were 5 or so customers dressed as Indy up on the adventure course. When you finally finished and dropped down, they would give you a random order (but in line with your general order type specified up front). You might get a burrito, or a burger, or any of a host of other options. That was part of the adventure.

Later in the dream, Brian and I were outside another fast food place somewhere else on our road trip. We were chatting and he had 2 oranges and we were rapidly tossing them back and forth trying to get rid of the one we had before the other was on its way. At one point he had an extremely errant throw (or maybe catch) over his shoulder and an orange came down in a high arc and hit someone’s car. Probably no big deal, as it was an orange, but Brian being Brian insisted on finding something to write a note with/on to leave on the car. Later we were inside finishing up our meal and chatting about some personal relationship stuff he was going through and possibly related sex life stuff.

Then I woke up.


Dream Theatre 24

I’ve talked about how my favorite times growing up were the times I got to spend with my late aunt Trish and my cousin Casey (not to exclude my Uncle Mike or cousin Kelly, it’s just that most of my time was spent with Trish and Casey). This dream harkened directly back to these nostalgic times.

I dreamt that Mike, Trish, Casey, Kelly and I were all going to a TRON themed place (I’ve mentioned before how TRON was a favorite of mine and Casey’s growing up and a movie we saw many times). Not an amusement park or anything so grand, but more along the scope of a lazer tag place, “The Main Event,” Chuck E. Cheese, or Showbiz pizza. That kind of place. We got to the entrance which was like a two story house with one dwelling on the bottom and one on the second story. Eager to go in, I went first through the garage and up some stairs to what functioned as the waiting room but looked just like a small room in an apartment or house and was furnished as such. Everyone else had stopped to talk to some guy as we were going in. When they came in, it turned out that the guy had been a manager or owner and he had given them all really cool, stretchy TRON jumpsuits with the glow patterns painted on in glow in the dark paint. I was so bummed to have missed out!

“Aww, man! I want one of those!” I said. I looked at Trish sitting on a chair in the corner.

Suddenly I remembered, “Wait a minute, aren’t you gone?” I waited to see if she would disappear after I realized this but she didn’t. She was still there. Then, just as I was waking up, I looked again and the chair was empty.

I know it was probably just a dream, but I choose to believe it was her paying me a visit.


Dream Theatre 23

I was visiting my friends, Sean and Jen, and Sean was telling me something about how his neighbor a few houses down, Muammar Gaddafi, was one of the most awesome, genius video game visionaries ever. Apparently Muammar had mellowed in age and turned into a really great guy.

I went a few houses down to visit him and talk. He lived in a tiny one room house. Like literally, one tiny room. Just big enough for a single bed, a small chair and TV tray in the corner, and a small TV on a stand in the other corner. He was lounging on his bed, completely naked, which was a bit awkward. I can’t remember for sure, but I think there may have been a woman present at least at first. He was laying at such an angle, that his junk wasn’t in full view, thankfully, but it seemed quite large.

He got up while we were talking to get dressed and put on some loose fitting beige pants that strangely had one large, flapped pocket across the butt instead of the normal two.

That’s all I remember really.


Dream Theatre 22

In last night’s dream I was part of a live sketch show at a place not unlike The Institution Theater here in Austin where I’ve done some improv shows. My friend Steve Glazer was directing the show I think and at the last minute someone didn’t show, so Steve filled in since he knew the part. He came on as part of a trio and was dressed in a pink furry one piece kind dress thing, sort of like The Flintstones wore. It was not very long and Steve was not wearing underwear so everyone kept getting glimpses of his bits and pieces. When he sat on the ground with his knees up, he was full on flashing everyone.

After that act, I was up next. Me and a partner were lip syncing to “Mahna Mahna.” However, instead of a backing track they were using some really old, crappy recording that was really hard to follow and that was very erratic rhythmically almost like if a really inebriated person was trying to sing it. Consequently, the lip syncing did not go well. I remember wondering why they didn’t just use a karaoke track for it like the one Ralph Garmin and Kevin Smith use on the “Hollywood Babble-On” podcast when Ralph sings “Mahna Mahna” in various character voices.


Dream Theatre 21

In last night’s dream, my old friend Zoë Simpson Dean and I were a Fringe duo (as in the TV show Fringe, where they investigate weird, supernatural stuff, kind of like X-files). She walked over to a wall that had some plant growth on it, and she suddenly phased out and disappeared and some blue flowers immediately bloomed on the wall right by where she was. I was panicked and knew that she had phased to another dimension. I went back to my hotel, which I remember being very cool and unique, though hard to describe here. The rooms were up on the second level and all had glass walls looking out to the scenery around. It was very square and angular, with a distinct 60’s or maybe 70’s feel. I remember external stairs leading up to the second level and that the second level was larger than the first level (lobby) so the second level actually over hung the first.

My cell phone rang and I saw from the caller ID that it was Zoë. I expressed my relief in hearing from her but she was very disoriented. I tried to explain that she was in another dimension but she seemed to think she was in Japan and was kind of out of it and a little incoherent.

I think that’s where I woke up, or at least that’s all I remember.


Dream Theatre 20

In last night’s episode, it’s kind of fuzzy, but I think I was in another movie with Rachel Carothers (one of my co-stars from Moving Day). I remember the distinct feeling that it was interesting because this movie was a kind of juxtaposition to Moving Day though I can’t remember exactly how. I believe that it took place on our characters’ wedding day but that we weren’t getting married for love, but for some practical reason, or some kind of marriage of convenience. That night after the wedding, she was really upset about something. I can’t remember for sure whether it was Rachel herself or the character who was upset. I feel like it was one of those bizarre dream logic situations that don’t make sense where it was sort of neither and both, but it was definitely within the “post-wedding” scenario which means it must have been the characters although I also have to wonder if this dream is kind of a statement or indication about how weird acting can be as far as portraying fictional scenarios while trying to make them “real.” It was all sort of “the movie” and real at the same time, if that makes sense (which it really doesn’t).

I remember Rachel (I don’t remember a specific character name so she shall henceforth be referred to as Rachel) sort of isolating herself in the upstairs portion of the house where we were and only her immediate family were having any contact with her. I remember thinking “How strange to have just married someone but then be isolated from her and kind of distant.” I know that she wasn’t upset with me but that I was just trying to be respectful and give her whatever space she needed and not intrude. I sort of hung around the periphery, concerned about her and getting some updates from family members on how she was doing. I think at one point I was reassuring her kids that she would be alright and there was nothing to worry about. I think that everyone was pretty much up all night, and the next morning I did see her as she came down and she and some family members went to an SUV to go somewhere else. The whole time, I was sort of this isolated outsider, wishing I could help. I think we acknowledged each other and exchanged a sympathetic/understanding look as she passed and got into the SUV.


Dream Theatre 19

In last night’s dream, Johnny Walter, Katie Folger, Jay Barry and I had been transported to Middle Earth and for some reason we had to infiltrate Aragorn’s house in the woods. We had been transported onto this sort of walkway around the roof. It was a huge sprawling house and so the roof was a series of peaks reminiscent of the Winchester Mystery House. We followed the walkway around to a place where we thought we could maybe get in. We had some bags and backpacks which somehow accidentally got tossed off the walkway and over one of the roof peaks and were now resting at the opposite bottom edge. Jay was going to venture to try and get them but I told him to wait and I found a nearby garden hose and tied it around him for safety. Turned out to be a good thing since while going for our bags, he fell through the roof in one place. I pulled him back up (I’m not sure where Johnny and Katie were at this point, perhaps scouting other places). We regrouped and decided to enter carefully through this hole.

We were now in the top attic level of the house. We followed it for a ways until it opened up onto an open air walkway, but we couldn’t tell if it had access to where we needed to go. We went back and eventually found a sort of magical gate teleporter that we could tell went down to the next level. We teleported a level down and followed that level until it opened up to an open air deck. A bunch of guards flooded in from the periphery and we defeated them all because we were badasses. I think we were looking for something specific though I can’t remember what. Back inside this level, I remember us doing some backtracking and having to pull ourselves back up through holes in the roof two different times. The first was more difficult and required us boosting each other up or reaching from above to help the person below. The second wasn’t as difficult, as I remember just jumping up and then pulling myself through the hole.

Later back inside one of the top levels of the house, Katie expressed some displeasure at something I had said and she told me that I shouldn’t have said that to her as she was suffering from some mental/psychological condition. I apologized but she decided to leave and set out on her own. At this point we heard Aragorn talking to someone and he casually said that he knew we were here and that we should just come down and join him. We did so.

Inside, the house was not all that fancy. It seemed like something built in the 1970’s or 80’s and was quite plain. I distinctly remember it feeling like a large but cheap house you would find in the woods about an hour from the nearest city. Aragorn lived here with two other older male relatives. I think one was his father and one was a great uncle or the like. They had 4 big beds all in the same room, which normally would have been a den or living room kind of attached to the kitchen/dining room. I remember either thinking or asking what he did if he wanted to have sex and finding out that apparently it was quite normal with his people to just have sex in his bed even with the other two in the same room in their beds. I thought that was odd but they were a different people with different ways and customs.

Then I woke up.


Dream Theatre 17 and 18

In dream 17 I was hanging out with one of the first girls I ever dated (who, while still in touch on Facebook, I haven’t really talked to in over 20 years, so quite a surprise appearance). In the dream she wasn’t married with children however and there was definitely some flirting/rekindling happening. I remember vague things about being in a mall parking lot, and later I had gone back to someone’s house (maybe hers, maybe a friend’s that I had the key to and was house sitting or something). I remember keeping all the lights off in the house because there was someone I was trying to avoid and I thought they might come by the house and so I didn’t want them to know anyone was there. Then I remembered that they also had a key and would probably just let themselves in. I also remember dressing up in a gorilla costume for something, and then playfully playing with/scaring the neighbor’s kids in a fun goodhearted way. The dream ended with another appearance from the ex, as she laid on my lap and we laughed and flirted, both wary of actually getting involved again, yet tempted.

Dream 18 guest starred burlesque star, Eva Strangelove who I met while working on a music video (also quite a surprise appearance). We were both on a cruise ship, I think in some professional capacity. I’m not sure of the details of what either one of our roles were in this particular situation, but something had gone wrong on the boat and everyone was kind of stranded on the ship. I remember a big open area where there were lots of people at tables playing various board games and such like you would see at a gaming convention. Fast forward and somehow we were now back at Eva’s place (which strangely, had walls that were all covered in that fake wood paneling), though I still remember a feeling of sort of being in the middle of some kind of emergency, like we were still “stranded” in some way. Her husband, Dave was out on the road himself, so we weren’t able to get in touch with him for the moment so I told her to go get some sleep and I stayed up to try and figure things out and work a solution to whatever the problem was. I remember a TV set set up in a nook that was about head height when standing in kind of an odd place, like the nook was right up against the wall, so not prime viewing location, but it felt more for decoration than actual TV viewing. The TV was behind a thin curtain or veil, so I could see the image but not quite make out what it was. As I stared at it trying to decipher what was happening on the screen, I could also see in the next room that Eva was sleeping, so that was good. She stirred and came out to the couch. I think at that point, either she had finally got in touch with Dave or we were about to do so. Then I woke up.


Dream Theatre 16 – French Espionage and Sexy Scenes With a Famous Bass Player

I was in France with a couple of other people. I think one was a friend and one was the guy driving us. I think the driver was Jean Reno. I mean it wasn’t the actor, Jean Reno, but it was a character he would play in a movie. It felt like a period piece. Maybe the 60’s or 70’s. I seem to remember the feeling that we were all doing something covert, like maybe we were spies. We were stopped by the police and so we were all very alert, wondering if we’d been found out. The police said they had to test Jean for pig urine. They got a little plastic bag (like an IV bag) and splashed something over his head. They said he was clean. When we inquired about this test, they explained that a lot of people who lived very high up in the tall buildings owned pigs and so a lot of the pig urine would get vaporized into the air or drip down from the balconies, between the floorboards and such and that it carried many diseases. As they left, I found myself wondering why they hadn’t tested my friend and I as well and if we should be worried.

In a separate dream, I think I had a kissing scene in a movie with a tall female bass player from a famous band. Possibly the Go-Go’s, although this dream bass player wasn’t exactly the real bass player for the Go-Go’s. It was pretty hot, and I enjoyed it. I also remember asking the director how my character felt about this situation and we concurred that he enjoyed it but knew they shouldn’t be doing it and that it would lead to trouble.


Dream Theatre 15, Guest Starring Felicia Day

In my dream last night, a group of friends and myself were all staying at a really cool hotel celebrating my birthday. The dream took place the morning after as we were all checking out. There was a lounge area in the lobby next to the main desk and a few of us were hanging out there for a few minutes on our way out. I was extremely nervous because somehow Felicia Day had come to my birthday celebration and was there in the lounge. I don’t think I had really got the nerve to talk to her much, so I remember at this point still feeling pretty aloof and not sure if I could really just chat with her. I think I was a bit starstruck and shy and didn’t want to bother her and all that. There was also a bathtub in the lounge which my cousin Casey was sharing with my old high school friend Eric MacGilvray (there was no water in the tub, though I can’t remember if they were clothed or not). At one point, Casey was being goofy and made a classic Casey goofy face, at which point he rolled over and kind of smooshed his face on Erics. I remember thinking that was kind of odd in that they were now, kind of kissing but in the framework of being silly and comedic.

I eventually said my goodbyes and left. I hadn’t got far when for some reason I decided to go back. I know that for at least the last part of the journey, I walked while controlling a remote controlled toy car back to the hotel. When I got there, everyone had left their keys sitting on the table in the lounge (that was what you did when you checked out) and I remember seeing Felicia’s room and rental car keys sitting there. I thought “Hmm, there’s still 9 minutes until noon, I could take her key and go see what her room was like!” It was sort of that sentimental idea of being able to go “Whoa, this person slept here! Whoa, they used THAT towel for a shower!” (No I am not actually a creepy stalker in real life, and I seriously hesitated to post many of these details but, come on, this is a dream where all kinds of weird things happen with seemingly unfathomable logic like my cousin and an old high school friend sharing a bathtub in a hotel lobby/lounge and more than that, I want to be as detailed as possible in my dream recountings and I want to be the kind of person who isn’t uncomfortable worrying about what people will think…if someone is going to judge me based on some weird detail in a crazy dream then chances are they would probably judge me even harsher on much of my real life! Nervous, rambling rant over.)

The hotel itself was also very cool. Not at all like a normal hotel. The rooms were all very down home and unique and felt more like rooms in a house. They all came off a single Hallway but yet I remember a distinct labyrinthine feeling as well and that maybe there were more floors or something. I think that this was the hotel in the MSC on the Texas A&M campus (though it had been completely redone and didn’t remotely resemble that place in real life, past or present).

I remember that distinct feeling of sadness after a party is over, or after a wedding or when a vacation comes to an end. “The morning after” when it’s all over and you’re collecting your things and checking out to go home.