Category: Geek Alert!


Fallen (City of) Heroes

The online super hero MMO game “City of Heroes” is shutting down. Much like many of my friends, I find myself very saddened by this despite the fact that I haven’t played in many years. This game has a very special place in life.

CoH wasn’t the first MMO I played, but it was the most impactful due to many circumstances which all aligned to make this particular game a very magical moment in my life. I had played some Earth and Beyond, Everquest, and WoW but CoH fell right in the sweet spot before my personal MMO bubble kind of burst. It was the most fun I ever had in an MMO. We had an awesome guild full of amazing friends, old and new. I had characters of every class, complete with full origin stories. We had a guildmate who died who most of us never met in person and yet we all felt the loss. When Andy, one of my best friends since 4th grade, got married, we had a LAN party for his bachelor party with many of our guildmates. Several guildmates built a computer out of spare parts so my wife at the time could keep playing when hers quit working.

When we moved to Austin, and were looking for jobs I set my sights on the company that published CoH. When my friend Andy soon came to Austin as well, I told him I’d seen an artist position open there. He was the first of us to get a job there. Then through him I heard that one of his co-workers was casting a play so Jess and I both auditioned and got cast in the first show ever at Richard Garriotts’s Curtain Theatre. Through that we became friends with several people who worked there which eventually led to me getting hired there as a QA tester (though not on CoH). Later, I helped Jess get a job as receptionist.

Eventually everyone moved on to other games, most going to EQ2 or WoW. After CoH, it was never the same for me. Everyone was split across different games and even different servers within the same game. I didn’t play enough to justify a monthly cost and just never felt that same magic again.

I eventually got the axe in one of the big layoff waves and spent the next 5 years as a freelance actor and musician. The company moved most of its operations to Seattle but Andy still works there as senior artist and Jess is now a lead content writer.

When I read the news of CoH “sunsetting,” I felt almost that same feeling as when you hear about the death of someone you once knew. Even though you may not have spoken to them in 20 years, you still feel the loss, like there’s something gone from this world. Just the lack of that presence and energy. Most people probably won’t understand this feeling and think to themselves that this was only a video game. However, for those of us that were there, together in Paragon City, we will undertand each other’s heartfelt eulogies and know that just as a bunch of atoms make a person, a bunch of 0’s and 1’s on a distant server somewhere can create a world of magic that brings people together and forms real, lasting impressions and relationships.


An Epiphany About Google+

I was reading a discussion about Google+ compared to Facebook and how many people are not yet seeing its full potential because they don’t understand it or are just looking at it as a direct Facebook substitute. The main thing that hit me was how using Circles you can have friends, colleagues, celebrities, and any other grouping of people in the same place on one website but you can choose to read/post to any or all of them selectively. Where this struck me was in relation to my experience on Facebook.

I started out with just my personal page. Then I started pondering if I should start a “musician” page. At first, I saw no reason for that but then someone made the awesome point that at some point, hopefully, my “fans” won’t necessarily be just my “friends”. People may want to see where I’m playing or hear my music but I may not necessarily want them all added as “friends”. So I started my musician page. Now I’m also an actor but I don’t want to make an actor page as well. That’s just getting silly.

However, even with my musician page, I still get friend requests from strangers who find my band pages or have seen some film I’ve done. When I first joined Facebook, I was extremely selective about who I added. They had to actually be a real life “friend” or at the very least someone I had at least had a decent conversation with at some point. As time went on though I became less and less discriminating, especially as potential film industry contacts started adding me. This was a wise move as these connections have directly led to work but now I have tons of “friends” many who I don’t really know at all. Yes I know I can hide anyone I want from my news feed but that’s just an extra annoying step and maybe I don’t want them permanently hidden but just separated from my true “friends”.

With Google+, this problem is elegantly solved. Sure, at this point it doesn’t have all the features of Facebook (or many of the annoyances as well, so there’s two sides to that coin) but I can add friends, fans, film industry contacts, funny strangers, Lemur lovers, peanut butter and banana enthusiasts, deep seaa Yugoslavian folk dancers and all other manner of people into their own “Circles” making it very easy to selectively read or post to any individual circle, combination of circles or everyone including the public.

Yes, Google+ is still in its infancy. Yes there are bugs, annoyances, things missing that many people may want (however that’s another Pandora’s box as any given feature may be wanted by many while being considered clutter or annoyance by others). But all in all, I personally think it is an elegant and well done improvement over Facebook and have faith that it will only continue to get better.


The Quest for the iPhone

For quite some time now I’ve been looking at getting an iPhone. I am constantly at auditions and such where I need to know my availability and would have to say “I’ll let you know when I get home and check my Google Calendar”.
Now before you even say it, I don’t want to carry around a good old paper calendar/notebook/whatever. I share calendar’s with several people so we can easily see each other’s availability and I don’t want to have to document things in multiple places either.

Continue reading…


A $600 impulse buy, and misc updates

Well, not exactly. We’ve been discussing getting a new bed for some time. It seems like a rarity that either one of us gets a decent nights sleep without feeling achy, crunchy or like we need to see a chiropractor. This is a bummer to us because about 2 years ago we spent a good amount getting what was supposed to be one of the best mattresses at this particular shop. I was not looking forward to trying to figure out what mattress to try next. You just never really know until you’ve slept on it for a while so “trying it out” in the shop is pretty much useless.
Cut to today. After getting an insanely great amount of clothes for both of us at Goodwill for only $100, we headed to Costco because I wanted to look for this little portable AC unit a friend had told me about to use in the room we call “The Cave” where my computer and home studio resides. For some stupid reason the AC vent going to this room is about half the size of all the others so it gets warmer than the rest of the house.
As soon as we walked in they had these queen size memory foam mattresses for only $600. Now anyone who had ever looked at a memory foam mattress will know that this is a pretty incredible price. We had always wanted to try one but had never seen them for less than a metric ton of money. We asked about their return policy and Costco has an awesome policy of “if you don’t like it, we’ll take it back. Period. Doesn’t matter how long it’s been. No time limit.” I strongly felt that this was the bed we needed to get.
So we didn’t find the AC unit I was looking for (my friend, Greg, is going to pick one up for me from Sam’s Club where he saw it), but we ended up with a memory foam mattress for about the same price we paid for our old one! And three tubs of sabra hummus which is the best hummus ever. It is THE reason we got a Costco card.
On other fronts, I’ve been hella busy with acting gigs, some Production Assistant work, our own short films, gearing up for our first feature, and many other things. Life is generally good and I hope to stop being such a crappy and infrequent blogger. I film for about a week on an independent feature this week, I’m the lead in another indie feature shooting next month and have a part in a third indie feature in July.
Grand Theft Auto IV has also sucked up a huge part of my life. It’s awesome and addicting. Rock Band still rocks We had the best Rock Band session ever Saturday night at Greg’s home theatre. Though he has it on Ps3, we brought our Xbox because, of all our friends, we by far have the most songs since we have bought almost all the downloadable content. We played for about 6 hours getting our band all the way to the Hall of Fame gig, but by that time we were all tired so our attempt at the brutal 8 song setlist to get into the Hall of Fame will have to wait until next time.
That’s about all my brain has to spit out at the moment and even all that is the highly condensed summary. Ya’ll come back now! Ya hear?


Phrase Express

I was using a text replacement program called “Texter” and a program called “Ditto” that let me paste from a list of things I’d copied recently instead of just pasting the last thing copied. I had some problems with Texter causing issues so I ditched it. Today I found “Phrase Express” which replaces Texter and Ditto and does a whole hell of a lot more! You can use it to easily insert text, auto-correct, launch programs and web pages, paste from a list of recently copied things, execute macros and a whole lot more.
For example, every time I send out a letter to submit for cast or crew, instead of manually typing the same thing every time I can now just type “cast@” or “crew@” and it inserts my entire cover letter. Or I can type “sig@” to insert my signature. The hotkeys or keywords are completely configurable by you. I put the “@” symbol on my keywords just so I don’t accidentally cause an insert without meaning to. If I wanted to I could also make a hotkey if I wanted to such as ctrl-alt-S for my signature, or windowskey+s, or any combination of ctrl-alt-shift-windows+any key.
Check out the website for a much better explanation of all the features. I’m totally digging it so far.


Listen all y’all..

I know my blog has been completely Rock Band-centric lately but it’s what’s going on!
You haven’t truly experienced Rock Band until you’ve played with Jess singing “Sabotage” by the Beastie Boys. Awesome.


More Rock Band Banter

This game’s awesomeness can not be overstated. Jess, Staci and I spent most of today going through the tour mode. Then when you’re done playing you can spend forever choosing from the many awesome costume options, tattoo art, designing your band logo and more. Now if only our replacement guitar would hurry its way here so we could stop being handicapped on guitar. Best game ever. However, I don’t see how any human is supposed to play “Won’t Get Fooled Again” on drums on expert. It’s positively insane.


Rock Band Interruptus!

Today our guitar controller started acting up. Up strums work but down strums only mostly work. Every now and then they just decide not to work. Though this made things very difficult, it did not stop us from playing. Hopefully EA will be quick in issuing us a replacement.



And it is every bit as bad ass as the hype preceding it. We had planned on shutting it down at 10 p.m. so as not to disturb the lady below us (I hate living in a condo for that reason) but at 9:50 she came knocking to ask us to turn it down. I told her we had planned on quitting at 10 but she appeared pretty irritated (normally she’s quite polite when asking us to shut up, and yes it has, unfortunately, happened many times) and said that it had been going on 4 6 hours (which I think it had) and that we had no idea what those drums sounded like down in her condo.
I really hate disturbing her as I like to keep good relations with people in my community, but we’re certainly not going to quit playing games or listening to music. We already keep quiet after 10 (including no washing clothes because when it drains it sounds like a waterfall to her) and even when we are doing something we try to keep it to what seems like a reasonable volume.
Argh. What a pain. And now I’m always self-conscious when I see her around and I’m paranoid about the noise level all the time.
But anyway, Rock Band does indeed rock. So much so, I think I might just sell my PS2 and all my guitar hero games. No need for them any more. I have so many other games I want to play and Rock Band scratches the same itch and does it WAYYYY better. Better controllers, better graphics, better game play, better everything.