One of the worst side effects of my current life turmoil is that I feel almost completely unable to function. I seem to have absolutely no capacity for productivity. My attention span is non-existent. I’ve taken to sleeping in the living room on the couch because I need the TV on all night to keep my brain distracted enough to allow me to get even a few hours of sleep a night. This is, needless to say, not good for many reasons including the fact that I have various projects I need to get on with and I just can’t find the will or energy to do so. I seem to exist in a state of stasis in a grey and black void.
This is where I really love acting. Acting comes so easily to me and really makes me happy. I just walk on set, do my thing and then I’m done. I don’t have to worry about any of the preparations, logistics, etc., that come with my own projects. Sure I have to learn my lines and find my character and all that but comparatively, it seems so much easier. It’s the one thing that still works even in my current state of utter uselessness. Now if I could just get huge gobs of money to act in other people’s projects I’d be all set! Well at least more set than I am currently.
Acting, or, perhaps, being an actor, is super. For this reason.