I’m addicted to Googlewhacking. No, you perverts. That’s where you type in a 2 word phrase and try to get one, and only one Google hit. Of course, I find it amusing that as people find Googlewhacks, they post about them, then they spread and are no longer Googlewhacks, thus ever decreasing the pool.
I am going to create my own Googlewhack. necrotize crampons. There. When this page gets indexed I will have a Googlewhack…at least temporarily. I’m sure it won’t really be a Googlewhack, since it was posted only for the purpose of being one, but it will be fun none the less. Off to try more Googlewhacking!
If it didn’t have that dictionary rule, I’m sure my site would be full of googlewhacks.
Yay! I found one with “E xsanguinate L ambada”
(Space induced to preserve the purity of the Googlewhack).
Woohoo! D efenestration H ydrogenated!
V alhalla’s L ederhosen!
(Although the Whack tool at the Googlewhack site wouldn’t validate it since it has an apostrophe.)
D efecating B andleaders. Ewww. Bad Bandleader!
D emonic S queegeeing! Excellent!
I got one with T riskaidekaphobic O strich and am currently top of the Whack Stack! I am disproportionately pleased.
*belatedly realizes that separating the first letter is probably moot now*
B ombastic U vulas!