
My anime deficiency

For some reason, I have never been able to get into anime. I find this odd, since there are so many people I know who absolutely love it. People who I generally have a lot in common with, and like a lot of the same things. Somehow it’s just never hooked me. I’ve tried half-heartedly a few times and always found my inteerest wandering and thinking about going and surfing the net or something. I really feel like I should love anime. I will give it another go (in fact Jess has “Spirited Away” for me to watch), but I just feel weird. It’s like if everyone you knew, respected, hung out with, loved Krispy Kreme donuts, but you just found them bland. Of course that scenario is just ridiculous, for Krispy Kremes are the krack of the food world. I think my anime gene is broken.

9 Responses

  1. oslowe says:

    kind with you on this one, carnale.
    I’ve sat through Akira, and GhostinthefuckinShell, and Ninja Scroll, D: Hunter of the Vampeeer, and a few more…
    And while I generally find the world’s created within anime to be compelling, the visuals… the voice acting… All of it is just kinda…
    I dunno. I DID like “Adieu, Galaxy Express 6781933” or whatever it was called, mainly the movie was virtually incomprehensible.
    Oh, and Cowboy Bebop kicks ass. But for the most part, I think Anime is one o those genres i just don’t “get”. Like soft-core girl-on-girl porn, “erotic” thrillers, mistaken identity comedies, and studio-released horror films.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Fuck the anime! More queso!!!

  3. Min says:

    I’m not into anime either. I mean, not that you would assume that I am, but like you, I too have tried. My ex-husband and his friends were into it and I watched a lot back then. Mostly I found it disturbing and scary. (The scariness probably has to do with my high wuss factor.)

  4. Jess says:

    I got it! What I was trying to say yesterday: anim� is not a genre, it’s a medium.

  5. CosmicAvatar says:

    Anime does vary a lot. I certainly find that watching it in the original Japanese is much more fun than dubbing as a) Japanese people shriek and howl at each other a lot, which is very funny and b) most dub actors sound as though they’re on Valium.
    I never got into Cowboy Bebop for some reason. I’d tell you what I do like here, but I’ve recently sent a good old rambly PM to Jess on that very same subject so she may or may not be inflicting some of my dubious tastes on you soon.
    Oh, you don’t need the accent on the e, BTW, unless you feel you can’t pronounce the word without one. (This coming from someone who feels twitchy because she hasn’t yet discovered the alt codes that make that nice straight line across various letters in Japanese words to lengthen them, and has to rely on the Symbols menu in Word instead.)
    Oh, and I must totally agree with your statement that Krispy Kremes are the krack of the food world. Damn, yes, they so bloody well are.

  6. Heath says:

    See, I hate subtitles. Hate them. I find my enjoyment of a movie is greatly diminished if I have to read the whole time. I don’t get to fully appreciate the visuals, acting, and such if I’m having to read the whole time.
    Also I didn’t know about not needing the �. I wish I’d known that before I had to type Alt+0233 throughout that entire post!

  7. Simon says:

    Most anime is not worth bothering with, in my opinion. Of course, there are some fantastic things in amongst it all, and I’m sure you’ll like some of it. Yes.

  8. Chainsaw says:

    I’m a casual enjoyer of the stuff.
    Robotech, Starblazers, Inuyasha, Cowboy Bebop, and the occasional episode of Gundam will hold my attention.
    I love most of the movies that I’ve seen – which isn’t many. I prefer series. LOVE Millennium Actress & Metropolis, though.
    Pretty “mainstream” – nothing overtly sexual, please. I like my cartoons PG at the most.

  9. CosmicAvatar says:

    See, I hate subtitles. Hate them. I find my enjoyment of a movie is greatly diminished if I have to read the whole time.
    Quite understand, as my other half feels the same way and prefers dub as a result. I’m lucky in that I’m a speed-reader, so subtitles don’t detract from the film for me, which is a good thing, as I just love listening to foreign languages. Particularly Japanese..!

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