
Shotgun update

Just a quickie update since I’ve been way too busy to update properly (Hi Athena!) This crazy busy-ness is also the reason that the daily haiku has become the “whenever I get a chance” haiku.
I’m unemployed, and yet have no time to relax. I’m participating in NaNoWriMo, so I’m writing about 2000 words a day, everyday in November. This is actually quite a chore for me, but I think I’m getting some shining moments among the crap. I’m writing a Douglas Adams Style time travel adventure.
I’m trying desperately to work on songs for the CD as we want to finish out CD by the end of the year, optimistically.
I’m addicted to Evil Genius, still want to play City Of Heroes but hven’t had time, and despite trying to resist, have given in to my desire and my friends desires that Jess and I try Everquest II. We are waiting until December though so we can make the most of our free trial time.
I have an interview on Wednesday for a job I actually really want, and not just to pay the bills.
Life is generally damn fine.

6 Responses

  1. Annika says:

    Fingers crossed for the interview!

  2. CosmicAvatar says:

    Hope the interview goes well! Glad to see you sounding positive in general.

  3. Eileen says:

    Well done with Nano! Yet another person for me to feel in awe of!
    Good luck with the job interview. I’ll keep my fingers crossed.

  4. Annika says:

    It’s Wednesday! Now my toes are crossed too.

  5. Min says:

    Amazing what quitting an evil job will do, huh? 🙂
    Good luck with your interview…today!

  6. Simon says:

    Good luck with everything, Sir! Mostly of all the job interview. My fingers are crossed.

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