So yes, my wife and I are addicts. We’re addicted to “Earth and Beyond”, an online roleplaying game. We jet around the universe together in our ships, taking missions, running trade routes, fighting baddies. This is almost exclusively all we’ve done every waking hour for the last week. The evolving storyline is extremely intriguing, and the game is just plain fun. Even though you spend a large amount of time “warping” through space, it still holds my interest. We downloaded the 5 day free demo with the intention of playing it for 5 days just for something different to do. After a couple of days we were hooked and had upgraded to the full game and paid the monthly subscription fee. The downside is that we are definitely only playing until April 15 when Star Wars Galaxies comes out, and at that time it will be kind of a bummer to let go of our characters we’ve developed so far and just forget about this universe and the storyline. Oh well, I’m sure we’ll very quickly become far more addicted to SWG than to this game. In fact, the review I read specifically said that this game was cool but loses interest after a couple of months, which made me think “perfect!”. It’s probably the only time that a trait like that could actually be positive. Anyway, we’re actually restraining ourselves tonight to try and catch up on some watching of stuff. We have 3 DVD’s from Netflix, 2 that we never got to from last week, and a new Buffy episode to watch, my country’s five hundredth anniversary to plan, my wedding to arrange, my wife to murder, and Guilder to frame for it. I’m swamped.
*side note: I’m so anal retentive that I had to look up that princess bride reference to make sure I had it exactly right. I think this trait was instilled in me by all the even more anal retentive nerds who insist on correcting your quotes even when you are paraphrasing and perfectly aware that you’re not quoting word for word.*