I was off with some friends helping them film a short film as an exercise in special effects and forced perspective (at one point we all ran and jumped into a helicopter; it just so happens that the helicopter was also 1/48 scale). It was quite a lot of fun and educational as we do these films at the house of a very knowledgeable film maker with lots of equipment and educational materials, not to mention a vast brain full of knowledge.
While we were there I received a telephone call. Through complicated machinations, I am now playing the role in the horror film that I was so bummed about not getting before. I am one of the lead roles, co-starring with Larry. I’m actually getting paid. It’s a meaty, twisted, fun, sick role. This looks t be a fun ride.
Awesome! Looks like maybe it all worked out in the finish, huh? 🙂
There you go again, bragging about your meaty parts on the internet.
Woohoo! I am so proud of you! I knew something good was coming! I love you!
Holy crap! That’s awesome.
Yay! That’s excellent!
They just needed time to see how much the other guy was not YOU!
YES! Congratulations, sir!