
Kinetoscopic Wonderment.

Long time, no update, eh?
So I’m about to embark upon my first film making endeavor. My cousin works for the computer science department of the University of Texas, and his department decided to create the “Kinetoscopic Wonderment Festival”. Anyone can submit a 10 minute or less short film into the festival as long as there is someone affiliated with UT on the team. I whipped up a script based on the “Keep Austin Weird” slogan that’s popular here, and we’re going out to scout some locations and possibly film some opening establishing shots today. The deadline is in March, and we probably will only really be able to film on Saturdays, so we gotta get a move on!
In addition to writing, I’ll also be directing and starring in it. Jess will also be starring in it, as will my cousin, some of my actor friends, and anyone else I cast for the various other roles. I already have various bits of music I had recorded for other purposes that will work great as soundtrack music. I’m excited and nervous as I really have no idea what the hell I’m doing. Well I do, but I don’t. At this point, I’m just hoping we actually get through it and end up with a cool finished film.
My world domination plan continues.

3 Responses

  1. Annika says:

    That sounds like so much fun! I hope you’ll keep us updated on the progress/process.

  2. Lisa says:

    Yes! Calling for updates also. Somewhat belatedly, but still.

  3. Time for my close-up

    I must be rusty at acting, because I swear it used to come so easily. Well, performing did, at any rate. I’m not convinced I’ve ever been good at acting, just at ease with it. See, you may have heard…

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