
“Vampires In Love”

Performing “Vampires In Love” by The Marvelous 3

I’m finding doing these videos fun but also enlightening. It feels a bit like performing naked. Just me, a guitar and a camera. It’s very much a feeling of being “under the microscope”. It’s not like when I record and can take my time and get things just right to my satisfaction and it’s also not like performing live where there’s the energy of the crowd and the venue and lights and all that. So in general I find myself not entirely happy with what gets recorded. It’s very humbling. However, hopefully doing these videos will improve me as a musician and performer. The important thing is that I’m doing something and not sitting on my ass thinking about doing something. And I have all of you to thank. Seeing my Facebook page jump up to 200+ fans was inspiring and the feedback I get from you and knowing that there’s at least a handful of people who care enough to to watch these means a lot to me. Music is somewhat symbiotic. Of course I do it for myself, but if no one cared or wanted to listen to me, I think it would lose a lot of it’s magic. I think almost all performers do it, at least to some degree, to entertain other people.

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