
A Few Musical Equipment Recommendations

If you know me you know I love sharing things I love. So I will link to two recent acquisitions in the comments. I recently got a new MIDI keyboard, the Nektar LX88+ that will be more suited for live use but also has TONS of great features for using with your DAW as well. When I started looking at new MIDI only keyboards (no onboard sounds built in) that had more controls for controlling various things, I was SHOCKED at most prices. Many were as much as a decent self-contained keyboard with sounds! This one however is a steal for what you get. Total DAW integration with most major DAWs and TONS of functionality, controllability, and customization. Super impressed. 88 semi-weighted keys that feel pretty good to me. Read the manual to really get the most out of this as there’s a LOT of power packed under the hood.

Second, in my quest for a more easily mobile guitar rack for my small space, I found a GREAT one that I’ll link to that’s on rollers. As a bonus there’s a LOT of space between guitars that helps protest them more, leaves space for acoustics or electrics, as well as protruding vibrato bars and room to tuck straps away or what not.

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