
Everything’s Broken

What sad state we’re in. Jess’s Teeth have really been bothering her lately (she has a dentist appointment next week), and apparently two nights ago I slept in such a way as to make my neck reject the rest of my body. It’s completely stiff. I can’t turn my head at all and if I move the wrong way, the back left side completely seizes up and shoots pain throughout me for about a second or so like the Emperor’s force lightning in “Return of the Jedi”. This makes driving quite interesting. You never really realize how much you turn your head until you can’t do it. It also makes sleeping very difficult, and changing positions while sleeping becomes a huge and painful production. My band gig tomorrow should be interesting.
The truck was leaking coolant since we got back from L.A. and after spending $300 to replace the water pump, now the left side of my car stereo’s display no longer works. It appears that I’m listening to “7 FM”. Luckily we’re ordering a Toyota Prius. Wooo!
Despite all this, life is pretty damn good. We’ve both got good jobs where we’re happy and bringing in decent money between us, and can’t really complain in the big scheme of things.
Since I got this job, I’ve been so much more appreciative of everything. I’m constantly thinking about the people I deal with in any given situation. The guy who made my sandwich, the person in the retail shop, the waiter at the restaurant, etc. I know how lucky I am and really appreciate the people who are most likely doing jobs they don’t really want to be doing, as most of the world probably does.
This isn’t any kind of judgment such as “Oh you poor pathetic sandwich shop worker.” It’s more that I really wish everyone could be doing something they truly want to be doing. I want everyone to have full, happy, satisfied lives. Maybe the guy at the sandwich place is genuinely happy. Maybe he likes to make a little money, joke with his co-workers, and go home to play video games or something. If this is the case, then excellent. If this is not the case then I do appreciate the position he’s in and hope he finds something more fulfilling as I have. I always try to see the other side and fully appreciate the people I’m dealing with. I think it’s probably far too common and easy to get wrapped up in our own business, our own lives, and forget about our “fellow man” as it were.
All in all, most of us probably have pretty damn good lives, even if our necks cause us to erupt in violent bursts of profanity due to waves of pain.

3 Responses

  1. Annika says:

    Ooooh, I know this one! Lots of Advil (must be ibuprofin as it reduces swelling), lots of water, lots of hot showers*, and get Will to rub your shoulders as often as possible. Also try to sleep on your back if you can, with only one pillow.
    *if heat is not relieving the pain and stiffness, try an ice pack. But I still recommend showering.

  2. Simon says:

    Have you tried Deep Heat? My Dad swears by it when he’s got stiff joints.
    I know exactly what you mean with the job paragraph. I was almost comforting the chap at the till in Argos when he told me he was having a bad day.
    Spread the joy!

  3. CosmicAvatar says:

    Could be acute torticolis (the freezing in position bit happened to my sister, although torticolis also involves twisting of the neck), or that old favourite, the trapped nerve. I am also a raging fan of Deep Heat in nasty neck situations (particularly trapped nerves), but if they don’t dent it, I fear you may have to visit a chiropractor or osteopath or something. Don’t wait too long!
    Otherwise, yay for feeling happy and fortunate in your job. I agree: it’s very important.

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