
Very bogus journey

2 seats on the 11:45 flight to DC. I sent Jess and Casey along, and I stayed behind knowing I could call my friend Scott (who is the one that works for the airline) to get advice.
Then I get the text from Jess…
The passes for the second leg of the trip to London are in my bag. They won’t be going anywhere from DC until I get there. All flights looking very full. I now wait at the terminal to see if I can get on the 4:15 flight to DC (It’s currently 1:00). Luckily flights to London on Friday look less pessimistic. I am very, very bummed. And kicking myself for having their passes with me. Luckily there is an intel booth demonstrating their laptops, and thus my internet connection at the moment. Words can not express my lack of morale right now.

4 Responses

  1. Annika says:

    Oh, how very frustrating! I am crossing my hooves for you.
    I wonder if the airline might take the passes on an otherwise full flight. It wouldn’t help you, but might get Jess on her way. Otherwise I have no ideas, but I do know that it’s easiest to get a standby flight if you are only one person, so I’ve no doubt that you’ll be in DC soon.

  2. Min says:

    Oh, that sucks! Stand-by flights are so very trying. You always hope that nothing will go wrong, but so often they do. (That’s meant to be reassuring. Really. Very rarely have I heard of a trip on stand-by that didn’t have its share of challenges.)
    Good luck in getting on with your journey. It will be worth it in the end.

  3. Simon says:

    I hope it all comes through. Please, please, please!

  4. I like pleasure spiked with pain – music is my aeroplane

    Heath’s given a very full and factual account of our adventures on the way over, so I’m going keep that in the background and give you my tour of The Standby Experience. For several weeks leading up to our trip,…

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